The Chronicles of Riddick: Ghosts of Furya Read online

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  The shower was running with heated water pumped in from the lake they’d touched down next to. Waters stood by the stall door, wearing a wetsuit and water shoes. Kenner sat outside the bathroom door, just a yell away. Riddick, head shaved clean and stripped to his birthday suit, stood next to her, watching the water stream onto the tiled floor. He already looked more presentable, yet quite confused. Shaving his head hadn’t been too much trouble. Kenner had held him still while Markham buzzed him clean with an electric razor. The boys gave him a minute to absorb the shock from the sudden loss of all his hair, along with get accustomed to the feel of a clean-shaven scalp before escorting him to the small shower cabin. They handed him over to Waters and made themselves scarce.

  Getting Riddick’s hides and vines off hadn’t taken too much coaxing after threatening him with a stun gun. Not the way she wanted to treat him but she’d yet to find a way around it. The kid had figured out an effective braid weave to keep his hides snugly in place. The hides themselves were covered in scrapes and scratches, and a few slices. They would look great while burning in a fire.

  Waters stuck a hand under the stream, which was pleasantly hot. Riddick just stood there and watched. “It’s just water.” She splashed him with a handful. He flinched and patted at the droplets, then she guided his hand under the water. He flinched again, thought a moment, then stuck both hands in. Waters gently pushed him closer so the stream hit his chest. Riddick cupped his hands and tried to take a drink but he spat it back out. “You want colder water for that.”


  She did a double take. How’d he picked up that word so fast? “Yes, water. You’re quite the smart one. The girls are never gonna leave you alone once you’ve learned some etiquette, social skills, and language.”


  “Yes, girl.” She pointed to herself, then pointed to him. “Boy.” And back at herself. “Girl.” Riddick’s intense gaze brightened with an interest that made her feel uncomfortable. She frowned when his eyes lowered to her chest. “No. Start showering.”


  She forcibly turned him around and shoved a washcloth in one of his grubby hands.

  Riddick spun around and looked at her inappropriately again. Waters tried to force him back around. “I said no. Now start washing.”


  She froze, then memory of Pond scuffing up his drawing in the dirt flashed across her mind. Riddick reached for her chest. She slapped his hand away harder than she meant to but didn’t bother apologizing. “No. Boy. Water. Shower. Now.” She stormed over to the bathroom door and found Kenner cleaning his rifle. “Tell Flower Boy he’s in big trouble when I’m done with Riddick.” She slammed the door and stormed back. She didn’t know how she was going to punish Pond, but she’d think of something later.